Tuesday, October 11, 2011


As nerds are wont to do... i have put this new trailer to the test.
While I'm super excited, this movie will never be everything I want it to be.
The hype, in my mind, is epic. still, I'm Super Excited

Issues: contained entirely within the 49th second of the trailer is Cap hitting a punching bag.
The bag explodes before he punches it. And the reflection in the background doesnt match either. The left hand is open in the close up and closed in the wide angle.

In the 53rd second, we see Hawkeye's Bow. The mechanism is pretty awesome.

1:11 we see some sort of magic-weapon thing. blades, blue glowing bits. for 8 frames at 1:31 we see Loki using it to cause destruction.

1:21 Fury is firing some sort of rocket launcher. due to some weird timing it shows blast after he has shot it.

1:23 Hawkeye firing an arrow which lets loose before his fingers move.

I hate most of the costume changes. namely Cap and Thor. And I think Widow's hair looked better long as seen in Iron Man 2.

I love the use of NIN in the background. The wit is there. I really can't wait.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

because someone told me to

and that person isn't even the one follower that i have.

went to 80s night at Eclipse for a friend's birthday after Friday Night Magic.
another friend asked me for my top 5 favorite musical artists of all time were...
apparently i am growing to hate these kinds of lists...
there is so much out there its so hard to pick. and the slow and ponderous answer i gave probably isnt actually correct.

stabbing westward, didnt have to think about this one at all.
nine inch nails, because well, its true
kmfdm... maybe... probably not. She Wants Revenge should go here.
Pop Will Eat Itself. this is closer than kmfdm, but once i get to this point, maybe MC chris would replace it
Voltaire. sure, ill stick with that

there are other top 5s. all of which i have the same amount of trouble listing.
favorite movies of all time
star wars
the princess bride
and here im already having trouble... Fight Club
maybe the Avengers Franchise... i dont know if it will stand the test of time tho.

now i think i need a break from listing

in response, i asked my friend what his super power was. failed to respond. i win.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

so, i never watched "My So Called Life" when it was new. browsing netflix today i thought i would give it a try.
first, it looks like the streaming version was ripped from an old VHS. the quality is crap.
second, it appears that there is a fundamental disconnect between the 'adults' that were apparently writing this show and the teenagers it attempts to portray.
it is as if someone said, "here, let's use words that sound 'hip' (albeit in an age of grunge)"
in biology(maybe it's "science" class) they are dissecting hearts and call it vivisection, then they start babbling about hypotheses... nope. we can't afford teaching or science consultants to make us not sound super dumb.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

so far behind. so much to say.

im too cool to stand in line at a club.

orlando traffic hated me last night.

i made up a card game. pretty good. needs to be tested.
im grateful for my friends.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

rough week.
rain and cold and damage and pain.
still recovering. working on it.

wednesday morning on my way to work i slipped on the iced steps of mom's house...
bruised my backside, scratched my leg up. later i discovered i fragged my hard drive.
back has gotten worse all week.

thursday i hit myself in the head with a board with a rusty nail in it.

planted some trees friday inbetween work and uverse installation.

im laid up on the couch right now...
will be better soon.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


my father passed away on the 4th.
today im checking his mail and removing him from mailing lists...
there is an invoice from popular science... for a gift subscription... for me.
wow. best dad ever.
when i was a child my dad always took me to Ridgewood Barber to get my haircuts.
he would usually also schedule his haircuts at the same time, so we took turns waiting for the other person to get their hair cut by this old man with wild white hair.
he was a pretty nice guy and all, but to pass the time i would read popular science and popular mechanics. pretty awesome stuff. it was the 80s, so i got to read about stealth technology and other such developments.
anyway. its the future and my dad got me a popular science subscription, presumably for my upcoming birthday. my dad is dead and is still doing awesome stuff.
thank you, dad.

Monday, January 10, 2011

ive thought a million billion thoughts in the last week. the time to record them escapes me. this is a promise to come back here more often.