Thursday, January 13, 2011


my father passed away on the 4th.
today im checking his mail and removing him from mailing lists...
there is an invoice from popular science... for a gift subscription... for me.
wow. best dad ever.
when i was a child my dad always took me to Ridgewood Barber to get my haircuts.
he would usually also schedule his haircuts at the same time, so we took turns waiting for the other person to get their hair cut by this old man with wild white hair.
he was a pretty nice guy and all, but to pass the time i would read popular science and popular mechanics. pretty awesome stuff. it was the 80s, so i got to read about stealth technology and other such developments.
anyway. its the future and my dad got me a popular science subscription, presumably for my upcoming birthday. my dad is dead and is still doing awesome stuff.
thank you, dad.

Monday, January 10, 2011

ive thought a million billion thoughts in the last week. the time to record them escapes me. this is a promise to come back here more often.