Sunday, July 1, 2012

eye strain

haven't said much lately... been busy in the lab.
many things to learn... sometimes  have a real opportunity. sometimes there seem to be a million things going on at once. we are making some progress, but i think we should spend more time collecting data and less time analyzing it. the analysis can be done at home.
by the time i leave the lab, im usually exhausted. it's not an extra long day or anything; its just draining. so i havent been doing much else. i had plans to go out this weekend, but a terribleness of timing and circumstance made it inconvenient. also, rain. not like home. but when you walk or ride a sketchy bike, wet hills are a little daunting.
spent all saturday afternoon/evening/night 'learning' linux. or at least working with cygwin. making a noob's attempt to set up an ssh tunnel to be able to use hulu, netflix, and pandora from an american IP. ended up making some progress, but it still doesnt actually work.
ended up missing church. odd because i had an alarm set... on my phone... which i dont use... which i hadnt seen in 3 days... so it goes.
havent read so much in a long time. finished, Flowers for Algernon. started Slaughterhouse-5. still need to get back to Ender in Exile. also, i have some comics to read.

1 comment:

  1. How long are you going to be out there? What kind of research are you doing?

    Slaughterhouse 5 is good, but also depressing stuff. Don't read it on a homesick day.

    Drop me an email and let me know where the care packages should go to when you get a chance.

